I'm in a good mood today. Let me tell you how the analysts 🤡 fool the newbies. 👉 If the market stabilizes at xx point, it may rise to xx. If xx does not fall below, it may also rise. If it does not fall below xxx, then we must pay attention to xx point. The pressure level is xxx-xxx-xxx, and the support level is xxx,xxx,xxx,

Give a bunch of indicators, macd, rsi, kdj boll, and draw them randomly, and tell you to see and learn by yourself. I want to understand everything myself, so what's the point of asking you to be a kol? Go home and raise pigs, haha

As for how to go, you guess it yourself. When he comes out, I will come out to talk after the fact, hehe.

The analysis is very reasonable 😂, but the orders are not made by themselves, and the direction is also shaky. Master Tony said that analysis is something that dogs can do. People who don't even open orders themselves lead you to make orders. Aren't you afraid? Hahahahahaha😂