Latest market analysis

Comprehensive interpretation~

1. This 62500 is definitely not a top signal.

2. In terms of the trend, it has been trading sideways at a high level and has tested the top many times, so it must be a breakthrough and rise.

3. The sharp rise in the early trading, the continuity of the European trading, or the retracement without breaking the low, all give us more opportunities

4. If the US market rises 6-8 points before the US market, then the long position in the US market can only be directly opened, and the watershed loss of the intraday low point is broken.

5. Remember, if the market closes strongly in an extremely strong market, it must be closed once in the morning, and the game will break the high in the morning. Don't guess the top. The current trend can only be judged by technical points after breaking the high.

6. One is the increase, one is the continuous time of the rise, and one is the strength of the accelerated rise.

So, continue to be long. Bet on long orders in an extremely strong market. Follow the trend and don't guess the top!

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