According to TechFlow, EverVision founder outprog announced the launch of FusionFi Protocol (FFP) at Arweave Asia 2024.

FFP is a unified financial protocol on Permaweb (AO) that defines the interaction rules for various decentralized financial businesses. With FFP, dApps on AO can achieve unified financial interactions.

FFP demo is now open source on GitHub:

FFP breaks business boundaries through a unified protocol, achieving seamless integration of multiple businesses such as exchange, lending, and futures. Different businesses can interact smoothly.

FFP establishes a unified financial dialogue framework between agents, enabling different agents to use the same financial "language" and achieve interoperability.

FFP creates an independent transaction record for each transaction to ensure asset security. Permaswap is using FFP to provide orderbook and AMM exchange functions.

Click the link to experience: