After the early morning news was released, it rose first and then fell, which was only a thousand points. When you couldn't stand it anymore, the market came just when you fell asleep. This is how it is. In the morning, it was stretched by 2,500 points, and the mid-line more than 3,500 points have been pocketed. It is estimated that there are many irons who missed this wave. #token2049 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH

After the morning stretch, it was directly oscillating by a few hundred points and moving sideways in a straight line for half a day. Don't look at the upslope after seeing the four-hour. The bullish strength has not decreased. The overall upward sentiment is sufficient. There is nothing to analyze. Just continue to be bullish. Of course, it is not a direct long-term retracement.

Big cake 61700-61400 more, looking at 63000+