1. Helping a friend sell porn and being convicted of concealment

B, who lived in place A, was called in for questioning by the police in coastal place B. After arriving at place B, B was detained at the police station for 24 hours and then convicted of concealing and hiding the proceeds of crime. He is currently on bail pending trial. B asked me why he committed a crime just by helping his friend sell U. I asked him to tell me the whole story.

Personal relationships and transactions

B's friend A opened a company, and all of his clients were overseas. Every time a client paid, he would pay A in Tether. A then approached B and asked B to exchange his U into RMB, and charged a service fee of 0.1% per thousand.

In addition, A has a regular friend C who will introduce many buyers of U to A.

One day, C contacted A and said that he had introduced a person (D) who wanted to buy U, so A asked B to connect with C. D transferred RMB 200,000 to B's personal bank account. After B confirmed receipt, A transferred RMB 200,000 worth of U to the address of D, the buyer designated by C. B deducted his own handling fee and transferred the rest to A.

A few weeks later, B was investigated by the police in the city where he lived. They said that the buyer D had reported that he was defrauded of 500,000 yuan, so they called B to question him. At this time, B also found that his card was frozen by the police in the city of B for 200,000 yuan. After understanding the situation, the police in the city of A said that he was fine and just went to the city of B to unlock the card.

But when arriving at place B, the police asked, did you also trade U for 300,000 RMB with xx company? xx company is D's company, and D was defrauded of a total of 500,000 RMB.

B said, these two transactions did exist, both of which were because I was helping my friend A sell U, and I was connecting with C. I didn’t know that D had any relationship with xx company. However, I received 500,000 RMB, and my friend A gave me 500,000 corresponding U. I can provide all the transaction chains.

The police at place B said: In short, D has reported being defrauded, and you have done business with D and xx company. You are now found suspected of concealing the crime and you have to pay back the victim's money.

It is indeed outrageous that B was indeed covered up. Based on similar situations that B had encountered before, it is speculated that after A transferred U to the buyer, there was a problem in the transaction between the buyer and others.

Up to now, more than half a year has passed. B also gave the contact information of A and C to the police in the second place. The police never contacted them, and B was only questioned by the police in the second place. Logically speaking, this matter cannot be investigated without asking A and C. B is just A's white glove. Moreover, A's behavior is suspected of illegal foreign exchange trading.

The most important thing is that after the transaction was completed, D transferred U to others, which led to his being defrauded. What does this have to do with B? Why should B be asked to refund? ?

2. I am a U merchant, selling U normally, but the police asked me to return the money I received to the victim

This case is similar to the previous one in terms of the refund issue. The person involved is a legitimate U merchant (A) who has been doing U trading for several years. One day, his old friend B approached him to buy U again. Because of the trust relationship they had from many transactions, A directly transferred U to the address given by B, and then A received the corresponding RMB price.

This was supposed to be the end of a pleasant transaction. But A's bank card was frozen. He contacted the police where the card was frozen, and the police said that C had been caught and cheated, and that he had to return the money he had received from others, otherwise his bank card would not be unfrozen. It turned out that in the transaction between A and B, B designated C to transfer money to A.

Outrageous +1. This matter is somehow related to B, but the local police are only focusing on A. What's the big deal?

Moreover, the police gave A a plan to return the money to C and then sue B for U (which really makes people wonder)

3. My boss sells U and asks me to watch the customer pay offline. What are the risks for me?

This is a question from a newbie in the workplace. He said he was looking for a job recently. The "boss" who interviewed him said that their team looks for customers who want to buy U online. Some customers will ask for offline transactions. The newbie's job is to communicate with customers face to face offline and supervise the arrival of customer funds. If the customer pays to the boss's account, the newbie will transfer U to the customer.

He asked me if there were any risks in this job?

As long as there is profit, no matter how big the profit is, there will be people who do it on a large scale, and the same is true for U-commerce business. Therefore, it seems not surprising that newcomers in the workplace encounter such job-hunting experiences.

Why do customers ask for offline transactions? Some customers feel that they have no protection if the other party does not transfer the U after they transfer the money, and it is more secure for the seller to be on site. However, there are often more abnormal situations in offline transactions. Just imagine how convenient it is to trade on exchanges, and the exchange itself has done KYC on the platform entity, so why do these people have to do it offline? Either they want to launder money without leaving a trace, or they want to cheat you of U. The buyer gives you a pile of cash, what if it is counterfeit money, or, after you transfer the U, they will snatch the money back? (These are real stories that Lawyer Shao encountered...)

Because these people are very confident, if you go to the police station to report the case, it is highly likely that no one will respond to you. You tell the police: I was cheated when buying U, and the police ask, what is U? Or, how do you prove that your U is worth so much money? (Although most people know that the value of U is based on the US dollar, the case still requires a report from an authoritative appraisal agency as the basis for determining the value of U.

Popular Science: There are some institutions in China that can do appraisals of the value of virtual currency, usually commissioned by the public security. If an individual commissions such an institution to issue an appraisal report, it may not be accepted by the judicial authorities. In short, it is easy to be deceived but difficult to protect your rights.

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