Let me show you how Bao Erye plays with coins. It is very suitable for ordinary people. Bao Erye firmly believes in BTC and ETH °, and only buys BTC and ETH, and does not touch other altcoins.

I started investing regularly very early, without any regularity. I bought a little when I got paid, a little more when I got a bonus, and a little more when I had some spare money. The approximate investment ratio is [(work income - living expenses - monthly mortgage payment) * 80%],

Of course, their salary is high, 30,000 yuan a month, plus various subsidies, occasional project bonuses, and a year-end bonus of 100,000 yuan.

He has been insisting on regular investment, and he was free in the bull market in the first half of 2021. The BTC/ETH he held was worth 8 million yuan, and he never sold it. Even after the 519 crash, his assets depreciated to 4 million yuan at one point, but he did not sell it. Then in the bull market in the second half of 2021, the value returned to 8 million yuan, but he did not sell it either. He has not sold a single one to date.

When asked why he didn't sell, he said he already had a house, a wife and children, a stable job, sufficient cash reserves (20%), and he didn't like to spend money lavishly.

Besides, his wife also has a salary, and the Accord car is enough for them. They have no plans to upgrade to a BBA, and they don’t have any special desires. Why should they sell it? What are they going to do with the 8 million yuan? Are they going to wait for it to depreciate due to inflation?

When asked when he would sell it, he said he would wait until his son goes to college (his son is currently in kindergarten).

Let me tell you about myself. I started to trade in cryptocurrencies in 2013 and now I have made 500 million. It was also through trading in cryptocurrencies that I achieved financial freedom! If there were no opportunities in the crypto industry, I might still be working overtime in a company, and I would be bullied by my boss. Or be troubled by customers! I have this chance to turn things around in my life. How many people have spent their entire lives watching this opportunity slip away! Or even never have it!

It is not in vain that one day in the cryptocurrency world equals ten years in the real world. "The cryptocurrency world is a place where people can easily have faith."

There is a dumbest way to trade cryptocurrencies, which will keep you making money forever

At the end of last year, I took 200,000 yuan to play with, and now I have 2000,000 yuan, easily making a hundred times profit (suitable for everyone). I still use this method until now, it is high and very stable. Don't worry about whether you can learn it or not. I can seize this opportunity, and you can seize it too. I am not a god, just an ordinary person. The difference between others and me is that others ignore this method. If you can learn this method and pay attention to it in the later trading process, it can help you earn at least 3 to 10 points more every day.

First, step 1: add the coins that have been on the list of gainers within 11 days to your favorites, but please note that coins that have fallen for more than three days need to be excluded to prevent investors from taking profits.

Step 2: Open the candlestick chart and only look at the coins with MACD golden cross at the monthly level.

Step 3: Open the daily K-line chart. Here we only look at the 60-day moving average. As long as the price of the currency pulls back to near the 60-day moving average, we will sell it.

#After the K-line with large volume° appears, enter the market with heavy positions.

Step 4: After entering the market, use the 60-day moving average as the standard, hold above the line, and sell below the line.

There are three details in total.

1. When the band's increase exceeds 30, sell one-third

2. When the band's increase exceeds 50, sell one-third of it

3. The most important thing, and the core factor that determines whether you can make a profit, is that if you buy on the same day and some unexpected circumstances occur on the second day, and the currency price directly falls below the 60-day moving average a, then you must exit the market completely and don’t have any fluke mentality.

Although the probability of falling below the 60-day line is very small through this method of selecting coins by combining the monthly line with the daily line, we still have to have a sense of risk. In the B circle, the most important thing is to keep the capital. However, even if it has been sold, you can wait until it meets the buying point again and then buy it back.

Ultimately, the difficult part of making money is not the method, but the execution.