One of the keynote speakers at the TOKEN2049 conference, which kicked off today in Singapore, was Vitalik Buterin. The Ethereum founder said that Bitcoin has been around for 15 years and Ethereum for 10 years, and with the development of artificial intelligence, the cryptocurrency world is now out of its infancy. "Are we still early? I don't think so. Cryptocurrency is now entering a new era where everyone is starting to use it," Buterin said.

One of the keynote speakers at the TOKEN2049 conference held in Singapore and attended by many important names was Vitalik Buterin. With hundreds of people listening on stage, Buterin touched on a variety of topics, from reducing transaction fees to zero in Ethereum to shortening approval times and general trends in the crypto world.

“From $10 to $0...”

Referring to the importance of layer 2 projects, specifically known as L2, Buterin emphasized the reduction of transaction fees:

“Transaction fees, which used to be between $10 and $1, have now dropped to 0.01, which is zero. Arbitrum and Optimism have also passed significant security levels. Rollups are now secure and payments are easy for everyone. With Merge, the average waiting time has also been halved. Today, I can confirm my transactions in 5-10 seconds”

"Now, a new era is entering"

Stating that the cryptocurrency world is no longer in its infancy, Buterin used the following statements:

“Bitcoin has been around for 15 years and Ethereum for 10 years. Products like ChatGPT have completely changed the way we think about artificial intelligence. Nothing is the same anymore. So do you think we are still in the early stages? I don’t think so. We are now entering a new era of cryptocurrency. This is going to be an era where people will easily use cryptocurrency.”

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