4 summaries of BTC inscriptions:

1. SATS.

Market value: ranked first, has been launched on major exchanges such as Binance, and has strong strength behind it.

Short-term performance: The recent rebound is large, and there is a risk of pullback.

Long-term outlook: It has long-term investment value and is worth paying attention to.


Market position: the leader in the field of inscription, with a significant first-mover advantage.

Trend analysis: Closely following the market trend of BTC, optimistic in the long run, but the recent performance is in a state of consolidation.

3. RATS.

Market value: low, but the flow is large, and it has obtained a large spot listing opportunity.

Potential: It has great upward potential, but the current liquidity is still limited.

Four. PIZZA.

Market characteristics: The bookmaker actively absorbs funds, has a strong consensus, has not experienced excessive hype, and there is no significant trap.

Risk and potential: The risk is relatively high, but the potential is huge.