BTC Today's Trend Analysis: Bull market returns, but be cautious

[Today's Market Analysis - BTC - 9.19]

For technical analysis only, investment is at your own risk.

Daily Line Analysis: The bull trend has started, and the bull market has returned. Pay attention to the resistance level near 64, and a pullback is expected. In the short term, the market may continue to fluctuate.

4-hour chart: The price is expected to fall back to around 601, and will drop to 588 before rising. It is currently in an upward trend and channel, and there is a good opportunity to go long near 615 in the short term. 👉**Follow me to view the homepage introduction and start your wealth journey! **🚀

15-minute chart: Don't chase highs, a top divergence has appeared in the short term, and the bull trend has begun to weaken. It is recommended to wait patiently for a pullback and wait until the bull market signal is clear before operating.

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