Most of the small currencies in the currency circle are cut leeks, and they will directly return to zero if they fall.

If they fall by more than 99%, don’t play with small market capitalization or have never heard of them. Choose mainstream currencies.

Don’t play with small exchanges.

Small exchanges may run away at any time, or unplug the network cable, and all the money in them will not be withdrawn. It is recommended to play with mainstream exchanges, or funds can be opened in mainstream exchanges separately.

Don’t expect too much.

The era of ten times or a hundred times in the currency circle has passed. Now that major institutions and elites have entered the market, there are no big dividends. It is very good to be able to double. Novices who do not lose money have already defeated more than 90% of people.

Don’t play ultra-short-term.

The currency circle has a big rise and fall. It is also very common for Bitcoin to fall by 20% a day. The cottage currency is directly cut in half. It is difficult to control the short-term. Hold the currency in your hand.

Set stop loss and stop profit.

Set a goal for yourself. If it falls to a certain position, resolutely execute and exit. If it rises to a certain position, resolutely sell it, and don’t care how much it rises later. Many people lose in the bull market because they don’t stop profit in time.

Don't bring all your funds to the cryptocurrency circle

The cryptocurrency circle is too risky, and there are risks in both deposits and withdrawals. It is recommended to use your own spare money and small funds to practice in the cryptocurrency circle first$BTC $ETH #token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储宣布降息50个基点