9/19 morning analysis and suggestions:

Before the interest rate cut, Lao Xu had predicted a trend, first long and then short, and I did the same thing in the early morning. After the interest rate cut was announced in the early morning, the price of the currency sprinted to around 61,300, and then began to pull back to around 59,400. We also ate part of the range in these two waves.

According to the current hourly line, the short-term layout is based on the current hourly line. The currency price reached a high of around 62,500 in the morning and then began to pull back. According to the technical structure analysis, the current market still has a pullback trend. The morning layout is mainly high and short.

Big cake suggestion: short in the 62,000-62,300 area, target 60,800/60,000. [Ether can be operated synchronously]

The current currency price is running in the 62,000 area. Friends who are short can go short at the current price. #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #币安上线NEIRO #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #比特币走势分析 $BTC $BNB