In the history of the United States, every time the interest rate is cut, the stock market often falls. Now we are ushering in the seventh interest rate cut, and the US stock market has shown a clear decline. Can the cryptocurrency market be spared this time?

The answer is not static. It depends on many factors, including the global economic situation, market sentiment, policy changes, and the inherent dynamics of the cryptocurrency market itself. In the past, there was indeed a certain correlation between the cryptocurrency market and the stock market, especially when investors' risk appetite decreased, cryptocurrencies often could not escape the impact.

However, the uniqueness of the cryptocurrency market, such as technological innovation and community activity, may have mitigated the impact of external economic turmoil to a certain extent. As the market continues to mature, the cryptocurrency market sometimes shows independent trends that are different from the stock market.

Overall, although the cryptocurrency market may be affected by the decline of the US stock market, its unique attributes and inherent dynamics also make it possible to go out of the independent market.
