Choice is more important than effort, and direction is more important than position! If you want to be smart, you should be with smart people, so that you can be more wise; if you want to be excellent, you should be with excellent people, so that you can stand out. Reading good books and making friends with excellent people are two great blessings in life.

How to become a contract trading expert?

First, you must have the patience to wait.

At present, all the contract varieties on the exchange have the characteristics of two-way trading. The market may not move for a long time, but once it moves, it will make you nervous. Sometimes the current top will immediately break through to become the bottom, and vice versa. So this requires us to learn to wait, wait for the trend to come out, and wait for the opportunity to place a sure order. Try not to rush to place an order, watch more and do less. Opportunities come from learning to wait.

Second, you must learn to be patient and not be greedy or irritable.

Don't always think about buying at the lowest point and selling at the highest point. In fact, this mentality is more likely to get you stuck. Don't blindly rush into the market when you think that a slight rise or fall is an opportunity. To grow from a novice to a contract trading expert, you must be able to endure the loneliness of an empty position, hold back, and enter the market according to your own trading plan.

Third, stability is required

Investing is not gambling. You cannot make decisions based on your own subjective thoughts such as “it should rise soon”, “it will probably fall soon”, “it will definitely rise/fall sharply tomorrow”, etc. Instead, you must be certain and steady. If you do not enter the market, then there is no need to worry. Once you enter the market, you will have a great chance of making money. Then, you should stop profit at the target price to preserve the fruits of victory.

If you want to survive in the contract market, you must understand one thing: the market is always right, and following the trend is the supreme rule. Seek stability and follow the trend. If the situation changes, run away. When making an order, make sure that "profit is the norm, and loss is the exception." As long as you can make money, don't try to take it all. Even if you make a small amount a day, you can still make a lot.

Fourth, requirements

Accurate means a high winning rate. Those with a high winning rate must be experts who can survive in the contract market, rather than those who make money and lose money repeatedly. So how can you be accurate? As long as you can "wait", "be patient" and "be steady", then you can be "accurate".

Fifth, be hard on yourself.

1. Be ruthless in strictly stopping losses. The waiting mentioned above refers to waiting for the opportunity to place an order, not waiting for the opportunity to get out of the position after making a wrong order. No matter in any market, a qualified contract investor or trader must strictly stop losses. If you don't make a habit of not stopping losses, it will definitely cause greater losses one day, making you unable to turn over. Only by being ruthless in cutting losses can you survive.

Then think about why you placed the order at this position, the reason for placing the order, whether you did something wrong, and why you were stuck at this position?

The second is to seize the opportunity, dare to place a heavy order, do not hesitate, and set profit and loss targets. However, it is not recommended to operate blindly without a certain foundation and seriousness.

The market is ever-changing. Keep up to date with the latest trends. It is an unchanging law in this market that the one who buys is the apprentice and the one who sells is the master. Whether you make a profit or a loss, you must minimize the loss and maximize the profit. If you can't do it, work with Cupid to overcome difficulties in the currency circle. Also, you must have logic when trading, which will improve the accuracy rate, and a good attitude is essential for us.