Those who follow Liu Ge will not be trapped. As early as yesterday, I told everyone not to short. Yesterday, I told everyone that you can go long at 59600. If you go short, you will be trapped. At 2 o'clock in the morning, after the Fed announced a 50% interest rate cut, the price of the currency went up to 61300 and then remained above 60000 to continue to consolidate. However, it is worth noting that the impact of this good news is long-lasting and is a release for the world!

As far as the current form is concerned, the daily line of the big cake continues to move around the upward trend. The strength of the midnight retracement is not large. The BOLL has a slightly ideal opening, and the attached indicators are all radiating upward. This is a signal that the upward rhythm is about to start. 62500-62800 is bound to be touched. If it breaks through, it may even test the 64000 line.

There is no need to emphasize too much in the short term. The 4-hour level continues to maintain a fluctuating upward rhythm. The strength of the retracement adjustment is also small, and the low point continues to move up, and the bullish trend is obvious. In terms of morning operations, there is nothing to hesitate about. Go long on dips! Just look at the continuation of the bulls. $BTC $ETH #美联储宣布降息50个基点