Once the US cuts interest rates

Will China follow suit and flood the market with money?

The US has entered a vicious cycle. The return of US debt, US stocks and manufacturing has made the US dare not and cannot cut interest rates

Once the US dollar enters a rate cut cycle, the RMB will also follow suit, because the dilution of domestic debt requires low-cost funds

The US gave information on rate cuts in March and June, but did not cut them in the end, so the probability of a rate cut in September is not high

First, our strategic goal has not been achieved and the 35 trillion debt problem cannot be solved

Second: The confidence problem of strong US stocks. Once the interest rate is cut, the US stock market will face the risk of falling and capital flight

Bluffing, whether you cut interest rates or not, cut 25 points, 50 points, or even raise interest rates, we have corresponding strategies for everyone to achieve steady profits
