This is very interesting & unbeliveable time spend with binance team. One day ago, i contact binance team about moon bix bot.

#binancemoonbix #moonbixbot #binancelaunchpool

#freecryptowork #binanceproject

I ask to binanacteam, moon bix bot is your official crypto project & this is real? Binance team direct answer me, this is not our official project. And this bot is may be scam project. But some times later binance team announce there telegram group, this is there official crypto project. Really i'm surprised.

Actually moon bix bot is binance secret project & still now under maintainance. Suddenly leaked there project. Finally this is a real & legit project proved. Moon bix is a big buget project. All people please work this project with very hardly. This is your future project. This project can change your life goal.

Still now, you are not join this project? Please check the first comment. Copy this link & load any browser. Then open your telegram app. Start working. Play game every 5 minutes. Earn more moon bix point.

Don't forget to follow & share this post. Thank you Boss.