The market comments are crazy. A 25-point drop is not as expected, a drop. A 50-point drop is a recession. It's a drop no matter how you play it? Do you dare to believe it? Even Bao has to say, come on, come on, if you can do it, come and sit in my seat.

My opinion is that as long as the interest rate is lowered, no matter it goes up first and then down or down first and then up, it's all short-term fluctuations. As long as the interest rate is lowered, it's good in the long run. I dare not say that the big cake will rise to 100,000. It's unrealistic. It's possible only when the king of understanding comes back to the throne. At present, it's a bit difficult for the big cake to return to 70,000, so our goal is 65,000. There is a luxurious pork leg rice. Don't be greedy. It's better to make less money than to lose money.