Something big is going to happen tonight!!! Something big is going to happen tonight!!!

Let me analyze the Fed's operation at 2 o'clock in the evening!!!

The Fed will announce the news that it will not cut interest rates at 2 o'clock. Whether it will cut interest rates will affect the life and death of the currency circle!!!

My personal opinion!!!

If Ballmer announces a 25-point interest rate cut tonight, I don't think the market will fluctuate too much, because this is expected.

If Ballmer announces a 50-point interest rate cut tonight, I think the currency circle will usher in a big explosion!!! Big explosion!!!!!!

If Ballmer announces that there will be no interest rate cut tonight, then the nightmare of the currency circle will come, and it will plummet, even below 50,000, but the probability of this is very low! How low is it? It's the extent that buying 10U can make you earn 1,000U!

Tonight's interest rate is related to the wallet of everyone in the currency circle!!! Always be vigilant and pay attention to risk control!!!