The market has improved significantly recently. Ordinals, a 100x coin, has appeared on Fractal Network. Cat and Glizzy, who were playing Cat20 together in the community, have also made good profits. Congratulations to the family members who followed along.

Some people ask, under the same market conditions, why some people earn a lot, some earn very little, and some even lose money? In fact, this is related to many factors. I think it has a lot to do with personal beliefs, whether you dare to make money, and whether you want to make money.

Before mid-June of this year, when I participated in new projects in the cryptocurrency circle, I didn’t dare to invest because I was afraid of losing money. Even though I knew at the time that no matter how much I lost from this new project, it would not be that much, and the probability of making money was very high, I just couldn’t get over that hurdle in my heart. I only invested a few dozen U in each project, and even some of the first mines were about 1,000 U at most. Although the profit was indeed not bad, think about it, if I invested more, the income would be more. At that time, I just didn’t dare to, I was afraid in my heart, and I was afraid of losing money.

After mid-June, a senior in the cryptocurrency circle, Ziqi, recommended me to take a thinking course. At first, I was so reluctant to take it. I felt that it was unnecessary and that my thinking was pretty good. Later, I couldn't resist and took the course with a try-it attitude. It really made me grow a lot and my beliefs changed a lot. Take the cryptocurrency circle as an example. Now when I look at a project, I first think about how much money I want to make from this project, and then I will think about how many accounts and how much cost I need to invest to earn the money I want to earn. In this way, I will dare to invest at the belief level and it will be easier to get the results I want.

Just like some of the new projects of Fractal Network now, there are many good opportunities, and the capital invested will not be very large. You can use this belief of how much money I want to make to lay out the cards and think about strategies.

Of course, in addition to this, this trip also made my network of contacts explode. In the past, I was always alone and didn’t receive others, let alone take the initiative to contact people from outside. Now, I have been to many studios in Shenzhen, met many good friends, and contacted many project parties. I also have my own studio in Shenzhen. Here, I also welcome everyone to our Tree(3) studio.

Therefore, I have a little idea of ​​my own, which is to hope that more people in the cryptocurrency circle can take this course, improve themselves, make friends, and make the cryptocurrency circle more warm. For me, this course does not cost me a penny in commission, I just simply think it is very good, so I introduce it to everyone, and I hope it can help some people.