Daily Share


Yesterday's 1h level rebound of Bitcoin broke through 60500 directly, reaching a high of 61320, and the 4h level rebound was extended, and the final rebound was still in the 61000~62000 range that we hoped for before. In the short term, there is still hope for another 15-minute level rebound upwards. Focus on the interest rate cut meeting in the early morning, and the short-term trend may be affected by the news.


We still need to focus on 63,000. If it breaks through strongly, then Bitcoin may directly rush up to 65,000 to get out of the daily level rebound structure. If Bitcoin cannot break through in the short term, then we still have to continue to consider a short-term 4h level correction to around 55,000.


The Mid-Autumn Festival has just passed. Two readers will be drawn tonight and can enjoy a 30% discount on paid membership. First come, first served. You can join the group by leaving a message in the comment area. The members of the group can participate in the trading training course at the end of this month for free, and provide trading strategies.




Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.

The time it takes for a move:

15-minute level: 4 to 7 hours or more, usually 6 to 9 hours, up to more than 10 hours

1h level: 1~3 days and above



Bitcoin rebounded from 52550 in 4h level, and now there are 5 internal strokes. The short-term is to build a 1h level center and then extend upward. The current rebound from the 1h level center starting from 59493 yesterday should not be over yet, and there is a possibility of another wave of upward movement to 61500~62000 in the short term.


The main focus is on the impact of the interest rate cut at the Fed's interest rate decision meeting at 2 a.m. tonight on the short-term. Under normal circumstances, there should be a 4-hour level correction at most after one more surge, which has nothing to do with the news. But what we need to focus on is whether there is a possibility of special positive news in the short term, which will cause the price to rise sharply and break through 63,000. In that case, the overall 4-hour level rebound will not end for the time being, and it is possible to directly break through 65,000.


But similarly, if there is no favorable stimulus in the early morning and the market performance is average, then in the short term it should operate according to normal thinking and form a 4h level correction.



At the 15-minute level, we will see whether a 15-minute central axis can be constructed and another wave of 61,500 can be rushed. If it comes out, the overall 4h level rebound is expected to end, but the premise is that there is no special positive news to prompt a short-term breakthrough of 63,000.




Since Ethereum follows the trend of Bitcoin most of the time, Ethereum is more popular.


At the 15-minute level, let's see if Ethereum can rebound to around 2400. If Ethereum as a whole cannot reach 2415, it will still have to rebound at the 4h level. Only when it breaks through 2415 again can it be considered that the short-term 4h level rebound continues to extend upward.


Trend Direction


Weekly level: Downward direction, extension of weekly decline, theoretically around 49,000, the limit is 45,000~48,000, whether it is over or not still needs to be observed

Daily level: The direction is upward, and we will see if it will fall below 49,000.

4-hour level: The direction is upward, the rebound at the 4h level has been extended, and the important resistance above is 63000. If it does not break through, there will still be a need for a 4h level correction in the short term.

1-hour level: The direction is upward, and the rebound at the 1h level may surge upward again.

15-minute level: The direction is upward, short-term focus is on 61500