The most important thing this year is the Fed's interest rate decision at 2 a.m. How will it affect the trend of Bitcoin? Will there be a bull market for Bitcoin this year?

In the article published on September 9, quoted below, it was mentioned in the article at that time that there was not much surprise before the interest rate cut.

The high point is probably in the range of 60,200-61,300.

Last night, it was stuck at the last time point, and it just reached 61,300.

Regarding Bitcoin short-term trading, I have rarely done it recently. I haven't updated it in the past few days. I have studied the copycat targets.

On CKB, FIDA, Turbo, Polydoge, FTM and some spot, each profit is about 15-20 points. It's a pity that I didn't pay much attention to the new neiro coin.

In summary, it is much less troublesome than Bitcoin short-term contracts. The strategy is similar to the A-share hitting the board, and the daily line breakthrough-suppression and retracement.

Back to the point, Bitcoin broke through the downward trend line of 70000-49000 and 65000-52500 yesterday.

Whether it is the market expectation or the real breakthrough, it is not known for the time being.

In tonight's market, it is not recommended to participate in the short-term, and I will wait and see.

But from a structural point of view, with a 25 or 50 basis point interest rate cut, Bitcoin's long-term rise from 49000 has not ended, and it is likely to move upward after the interest rate cut.

At that time, there will be several key positions above, 63200-63800, and around 68000.

If the news falls, pay attention to the 55000-54500 range below. I will follow up with spot.

In addition, many people currently believe that Bitcoin will usher in a crazy bull market from October to the end of the year.

But the crazy bull market requires a large amount of incremental funds to be injected. At present, within a few months of the interest rate cut, the factors of the crazy bull market are not seen for the time being.

At present, it is more inclined to hit around 68,000 at the end of September. After that, it will accelerate downward and consolidate at the bottom for 3-4 months.

Waiting for an opportunity for a crisis to really emerge, the big cake is defined as a safe-haven asset to take over.

The above will probably be adjusted in place in December or the end of January 25. In March-June, the bull market will rise.

The views are personal subjective views and are for reference only.

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