F3D rates cutS......
๐ซด WHAT we Assume ... from A RaTe.. cuT....
NormALLY... AlL are SAyinG... we can Get... a
0.25 basis ... CuTt....
๐คท๐ฟ WhAt.. the Out Come.. WiLL...be...
GOLD prices are DowN by.. 0.50 percent AlMoSt
WHERE the MarkEt.. wiLL... be GoiNG...
WHAT if the.... THE fed... SHED... 1.0 ๐ซฃ๐๐ฟ insted of 0.25 , 0.50 or 0.75 ,
be... CAREFUL... IT will be goiNG to announce in WashinGton DC time 2:30 pm or near to it..
MAYbe.. the DAY.. WiLL... RoAr ๐ฅ
WILL it.. goto... 63000 or 53000 ๐ซฃ
wherE.. it wiLL be.. 1900.. or 2900
alWYs.. shAre BOND with BTC I do nOt knw... whYyy๐๐
WILL be CheckIng my LIQUIDATION price.. Again...