Yesterday (17th), Wude Palace opened a basement gold furnace that can effectively filter PM2.5 and other suspended matter and reduce air pollution. It also announced the purchase of 5 million yuan in carbon rights, making it the world's first carbon-neutral temple. (Preliminary summary: Flowcarbon, a "carbon rights tokenization" company that led a 70 million magnesium investment, failed to issue currency: it is refunding investors) (Background supplement: Taiwan's carbon rights trading regulations were officially launched on 8/15! Ministry of Environment: The first sale will be made as soon as the end of September) In response to net-zero carbon emissions, the famous Wude Palace in Beigang not only built a more environmentally friendly golden furnace, but also spent NT$5 million to purchase enough to offset at least 3 years of carbon emissions. of carbon rights and declared to be the world’s first carbon-neutral temple. According to the Beigang Wude Palace Facebook page, as the number of believers continues to increase, the demand for gold-burning paper has increased significantly. In addition to the existing "Tianku Gold Furnace" certified by the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest, the temple also has 17 The "basement gold furnace", which took six years to build, was put into use today, which can effectively filter suspended matter such as PM2.5 and reduce air pollution. Yunlin County Magistrate Zhang Lishan affirmed the environmental protection measures of Wude Palace. She mentioned: "Yunlin County is not only a major agricultural county, but also a major tourist and religious county. The density of ancestral temples is the highest in Taiwan, and the incense is the most prosperous. The two temples with the largest number of pilgrims are both in Yunlin! I would like to thank Wude Palace for its long-term support for the county government’s social welfare activities. It is very worthy of praise for adhering to faith while not forgetting about environmental protection. I am honored to witness this event and look forward to other events. The temples and palaces follow suit and work together for environmental protection to make Yunlin an environmental protection demonstration county!" Lin Anle, chairman of Wude Palace, emphasized: "Although the golden furnace reduces suspended solids emissions, the combustion behavior cannot completely avoid the generation of greenhouse gases. Temple officials We will continue to reduce carbon emissions and offset the greenhouse gases generated starting from 2023 by purchasing carbon rights to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality. We will also become a pioneer in environmental protection in the religious community, driving a virtuous cycle and achieving carbon neutrality ahead of schedule. "Taiwan Carbon Assets Company assists Wude Palace in purchasing international high-quality carbon rights based on the carbon emission results, including Brazilian Amazon forest conservation, Southeast Asian clean energy and water source protection projects, etc." These carbon rights are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are sufficient to offset carbon emissions by 2025. Picture source: Beigang Wude Palace Facebook Picture source: Beigang Wude Palace Facebook Carbon economy and decommissioning operating procedures remain challenging. Chugo Technology, a Taiwanese company that focuses on providing solutions for the entire life cycle of ESG carbon emissions, wrote that blockchain technology has the opportunity to solve long-standing problems in the carbon offset market, including: how to verify the uniqueness of a carbon credit, how to Ensure that carbon credits are "retired" and avoid double counting... and other issues. The Carbon Crypto ecosystem currently has two major trends: Carbon rights monetization: Blockchain technology such as NFT has the characteristics of irreplaceability, non-mergerability, and destroyability, so it is particularly suitable for use in carbon credits. The carbon offset trading platform developed by Brazilian startup Moss monetizes the carbon rights issued by carbon offset development projects, so that each ton of emission reductions corresponds to one MCO2 (the world's first carbon rights virtual currency). MCO2 this year Successfully listed on Coinbase. Blockchain-driven carbon exchanges: NFTs, or tokenized carbon credits, have begun to be bought and sold on some carbon exchanges that apply blockchain technology. For example, Abu Dhabi has started to purchase carbon rights on AirCarbon Exchange. Become the first city in the world to achieve carbon neutrality. Related reports: Flowcarbon, a "carbon rights tokenization" company that led a 70 million magnesium investment, failed to issue tokens: refunds are being made to investors. Taiwan's carbon rights trading regulations are officially launched on 8/15! Ministry of Environment: The first sale could be completed by the end of September at the earliest, the first in the world! Germany launches blockchain "carbon rights exchange": optimistic about the tokenization of real assets (RWA) to promote the renewable energy market. Beigang Wude Palace "bought 5 million yuan in carbon rights" to become the world's first carbon-neutral temple. Blockchain can Help with what? 〉This article was first published in DongZu BlockTempo "DongZu DongTen - the most influential blockchain news media".