A few days ago, I occasionally called out a person who had been added to our community to follow orders. The main coins I have traded in the past few days are turbo bigtime uxlink and several strong coins on the growth list. 35u has almost doubled by 100 times😂

He recharged 100u capital and lost 35u. He opened a few counterfeits and should have recovered his capital. Then, when I opened orders and chased the long positions for the three coins on the growth list in the past few days, I called him to achieve a nearly 100-fold return.

I asked and they were all 50x It is fully opened. In fact, it is not recommended to place orders in this way. Of course, this amount of principal does not matter. There are many monster coins in the market recently, and there are many opportunities at the same time. When placing orders to make the increase list, it is better to chase more than blindly go short. Otherwise, it is easy to become a fuel for the increase. You can combine the funding rate and the market sentiment of this coin to place orders. After all, which side of the long and short kills the dealer to make money, which side will be wiped out. If you can't do it, come and ask me😂


