When I read the Atomicals white paper many times before, I always noticed that there is a paragraph at the beginning of the ARC20 token section:
“The ARC-20 also comes with a built in ticker symbol service to provide a global unique name system for ticker symbols. The first registration of the ticker name is permanent and can never be used again.”

To put it simply: ARC20 has a built-in token name service, which provides a globally unique naming system for token names. The first registration of a token name is permanent and cannot be re-registered.

At that time, I thought that many token protocols had this setting, except that the names could not be repeated. I never thought deeply about it, but today I have a new understanding of it.

This token name service, under the#Atomicalsprotocol, is no longer just a name for a token, but defines a "registrable" name for the entire Bitcoin, which is then open to "Bai Cong" for registration.


Names are not only for humans, but also for people with unique meanings.

Because of the "one coin one satoshi feature" and the "unrepeated FT name registration mechanism", ARC20 has such a gameplay:
A name is released, and a limited number of “Satoshis” are invited to grab it. Whoever gets it gets the name.

When $atom was deployed, it essentially opened up 21 million registration slots for the name "atom". All satoshis will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until all 21 million names are allocated.
The same is true for $quark. After its deployment, it was permanently limited to only 10 billion satoshis with this name, and finally the full distribution was completed.

Under the physics narrative of the Atomic Protocol, tokens such as Electron, Neutron, Sophon, Photon, Proton, Nucleus, etc. have become the "first-tier good numbers" that have been registered one after another.
At the same time, names with the same names as the major technical concepts of the Atomicals protocol were also regarded as sought-after high-quality names - AVM, Realm, Dmint, Bitvm...
A number of names with unique meanings in the ecological context have also emerged - Infinity, ColoredBitcoin, BTC, A...

A group of "smart" people compete for supremacy, and a huge "smart" society begins when they have a collective identity.


I've been working on some#Realmrelated development with @fangniubot recently, and I've also started to think about a lot of application scenarios for on-chain names. I feel that the realizable space of Realm is still very huge, but I've never seriously thought about the meaning behind the naming mechanism of ARC-20 colored coins themselves.

Whether it is Realm or the implementation of various domain names on the Bitcoin chain, the ultimate goal is to create a "name" that serves people. And colored coins themselves create a "name" that serves the coins.

All token protocols can name tokens, but they all use a different approach than Atomicals. Atomicals directly labels each satoshi, and the total amount of each label is permanently limited by the deployer.

But if we understand it this way, does Atomic Protocol have two sets of name registration methods? Isn't this contradictory? In fact, it is not. One set is for standard domain names, which are used by people, organizations, projects, websites, articles, etc. The other set is very simple and is only used for Bitcoin.

When the token name meets one coin and one satoshi, it is concretized into the individual identity of each coin and each satoshi.

License plates serve cars, and ultimately serve people indirectly; mobile phone numbers serve mobile phones, and ultimately serve people indirectly; on-chain DIDs serve wallets, and ultimately serve people indirectly. All things related to "preemptive registration" ultimately empower the social value of people themselves.

But colored coins are different. The value brought by the beautiful number does not necessarily flow to the person, but can also flow to the Satoshi. Would you use $Quark as your personal online name? This is unreasonable. And Quark is the identity of this Satoshi in the Bitcoin world. Finally, Satoshi, who has obtained this identity, began to have his own value.

So we can see that: although 1 satoshi of Bitcoin is always worth only 1 satoshi, 1 satoshi of $Atom is now worth 1300 satoshis; 1 satoshi of#Electronis now worth 7 satoshis; 1 satoshi of $Quark is now worth 1.8 satoshis...

Each "beautiful number" is not only good-looking, but also has its own cultural attributes and historical significance.

To some extent,#ARC20allows Satoshi to realize the "name-coin duality" of name and token.

Does this word look familiar?