At present, from the daily level, the rebound of the big cake has tested the 61500 line. This is basically the watershed of the long and short trends. If it breaks through, it is expected to hit the 65000-67000 line. If it fails to stand on it, it will usher in the next wave of short attacks, and the 51500 mark may not be safe. Ethereum has said before that the 2400 line support is very critical. Whether the short can continue depends on the support here. If it is broken, it will move closer to the 2000 mark. This is also the case. The market broke through 2400 and came to the previous low of 2100 again. At present, according to the top and bottom conversion rebound, it tested the new pressure level of 2400 and fell again. 2400 has become the horn of the long counterattack. Only when it breaks through can it hit the 2550-2600 line.

In 4 hours, the market rose and fell. Combined with the announcement of the Fed's decision in the early morning, I personally think that whether it is a rate cut or not, it will not affect the general trend. I am still optimistic about the trend and lean to the short side, so it is recommended to operate at high altitude!

Operation idea: short at high position!

Short Bitcoin at 60100-60600, target 59000-58000, loss above 61500;

Short Ethereum at 2320-2350, target 2250-2150, loss above 2380;

The strategy is time-sensitive, and specific private real-time guidance is the main focus!

Professional team gold medal analyst Ruoyu, focusing on contract trading guidance, follow the WeChat public account Biquan Ruoyu, to understand real-time market analysis and operation ideas! #加密市场反弹 #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #ETHBTC汇率新低