Stop loss is the greatest art. If you don't stop loss, you will definitely die? But stop loss is very painful, so there is a significant psychological cost.

The most fundamental thing is actually a psychological game. If you don't stop loss the first time, it will be difficult to do it later. Many people are in this situation. You see, I have resisted it before. Now I will resist it again, maybe it will come back.

This is actually a very subtle game. I used to talk about risk management. You must resolutely cut your first knife. Don't make any excuses for yourself. Stop loss must be early. There is no way. You must learn to make this knife. There is no regret. If you don't cut it at the first time, the cost will be greater later.

Then when you cut it off, it really comes back, and you will regret it very much. Many people die here. The next time you think about the painful experience last time, you can't be like last time, so I will resist it again this time, and often something big happens.

But the problem is how to set the self-loss, which is really scientific. If you don't set it well. Every time you cut, you will end up with nothing. Trading is actually a simple game. Sometimes the market doesn't cooperate. If you make mistakes three times, you don't know where to start. You are very scared.

If you make mistakes three times, don't do it. But the problem is not the market, but your approach. Stop, take a break, and review where you went wrong. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #加密市场反弹 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH