📊 Bitcoin price is about to experience major fluctuations! 📉

The recent crypto market is full of uncertainty, especially the price of Bitcoin has been hovering in a downward channel. Although it has rebounded briefly, the upward momentum seems to have slowed down. 📉

Current focus: The Federal Reserve is about to hold an interest rate meeting, and Chairman Powell's speech and interest rate cut guidance have attracted much attention. His words may determine the next trend of Bitcoin! ⏳

🔻 The triangle pattern is exerting downward pressure. The technical side shows that there is a risk of a correction in the market, and Bitcoin, as a "barometer" of the macro economy, is reflecting the complexity of the global economy. 🔍

🎯 Viewpoint: Before major economic events, it is normal for crypto assets to become more volatile! Regardless of the market trend, a sound strategy remains the key. Short-term fluctuations may be opportunities, not threats! 🚀 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #Neiro #omni #SAGAUSDT $CKB $NEIRO $DYM