#美联储利率决议公布在即 #NEIRO

Sometimes the market is really strange. If you have a pattern of a coin, it will follow your idea and go in the opposite direction. If you don’t have a pattern, you will find that you have sold it completely. I believe that many brothers should have this feeling more or less!

For example, in the public code, sometimes I see that the contract has a profit of three or four points, but I don’t remind myself because I think about the pattern. After a while, I will find that I have not made any profit. It will either be around the cost price or even lose money! ! ! This is a very strange phenomenon. Once you don’t have a pattern, you will find that you have sold it a lot!

If you want to hold on, you have to have high certainty, just like the very popular NEIRO these days, with uppercase and lowercase. Binance announced the launch of lowercase spot and contracts, which is equivalent to directly sentencing the original uppercase NEIRO to death. Just like what our community teacher said, the upper limit has been determined, but there are still many lower limits. Those who enter the short position have been holding it, and the current highest return is nearly 12 times!

So the pattern still needs to be there, but you have to be sure how to pattern it! The decision to cut interest rates will be made soon, and the next step will be a crazy bull market. If you don’t know how to layout, you might as well come to our community and follow the teacher to layout. I won’t guarantee how much you can earn, but I will definitely not let you miss this crazy bull market!