Importance: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

💥 The Fed made a big move early Thursday morning!

🔥 50 basis points or 25 basis points?

🤔 Powell made the final decision, and the fate of the market hangs in the balance!

Fed event preview:

🔥 The suspense is about to be revealed 🔥

1) Time node: The Fed will have two major events in the early hours of Thursday morning Beijing time!

2) First is the interest rate decision at 2:00, followed by Powell's press conference at 2:30.

📝 Nick Timiraos of the "New Fed News Agency" speaks out

1) Article title: "The Fed is ready to cut interest rates, and the first rate cut is in doubt"

2) The core suspense: the "first rate cut" is still unknown.

🤔 Two speculations on the rate cut

50 basis points?

1) Signs: The number of times "50 basis points" is mentioned in the article increases, and many experts are quoted to support it.

2) Internal dynamics: It is mentioned that Powell may face internal opposition. If the rate cut is 25 basis points, everyone will accept it, but if it is 50 basis points, there may be dissenting votes.

25 basis points?

1) Reason: If it is only the author's personal analysis, it is more likely to cut the rate by 25 basis points, because the Fed is currently silent, and this move can retain surprises.

2) Market reaction: Revealing 25 basis points before the meeting may lead to a market sell-off, while cooperating with dovish remarks after the meeting can appease the market.

🤷‍♂️ Is the Fed debating internally?

1) Powell's inclination: It is speculated that Powell himself may be inclined to cut the rate by 50 basis points.

2) Political considerations: But from a political perspective, the risk of making a 50 basis point rate cut is greater, and Powell may be waiting for consensus.

👀 Stay tuned

Whatever the outcome, the Fed's decision on Thursday morning will be the focus of market attention.

Let's wait and see how Powell leads the market!

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