Academician of the currency circle: After the 9.18 holiday, Bitcoin is ready to welcome the interest rate cut frenzy! The tense moment before the interest rate cut! The latest analysis

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, the holiday has just passed, and there are still more than ten hours before the United States cuts interest rates. Bitcoin has returned to the 60,000 mark before that, waiting for the news to land and determine the direction. There is no suggestion to wait for the news to land before entering the market. Before that, you can eat melons and watch the show

The current price of Bitcoin is 60,500. As of 12:10 noon Beijing time before the release, the daily K line came to the vicinity of EMA120. The current resistance is 60,800. The overall trend of EMA began to shrink, the bullish trend was strong, MACD increased in volume, DIF and DEA low-level upward diffusion entered polarization, KDJ contracted and spread, and the overall trend entered a consolidation cycle. It is expected to be sideways at the high level of EMA120

The four-hour K line came to the high level of the EMA trend indicator. The current support level is at EMA15, 59,600. MACD increased in volume and continued to increase in volume. Bollinger Bands The pressure level is 61400 on the OTC market, and the KDJ divergence and contraction failed. The overall trend can focus on whether the upper pressure level can break through and set a new high.

Short-term thinking reference: The market is not 100%, so you must bring a good stop loss. Safety is the first, and small losses and big profits are the goal.

61000 to 61500 above, short, 62000 to 62300 to cover short, stop loss 500 points, target 60000 to 59500, break 59000,

59000 to 59500 below, long, 58000 to 58300 to cover long, stop loss 500 points, target 60500 to 61500, break 62500 to 63000

Specific operations are based on real-time data of the market. For more information, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestion is for reference only and the risk is borne by yourself.

There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. You will know whether it is a mule or a horse after taking it out for a walk.

As a senior person in the cryptocurrency circle, I have been committed to providing useful advice to everyone, hoping that everyone will take fewer detours and make fewer wrong orders in this market. Although I am sincere, you still need to explore the road of investment by yourself. Learning is endless, and the experience you have learned is the real wealth!

Here, I wish my fans to achieve financial freedom in 2024, come on!

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