$NEIRONIERO was launched on the same day as TURBO. I think I bought turbo on Saturday. After niero was listed on Binance, it fell directly and then fell into a long period of shock. I was a little self-centered at the time, because Sun Ge played a few roller coasters in August and was too lazy to move. #sun There are a few more, but I didn’t make much money anyway, so I didn’t pay attention to niero. Who knew it would rise in a holiday? The most important thing is that I even forgot to add it to the robot. I checked the code today. Wow, it was nieroeth that was added. I was so busy. It’s a pity, otherwise I would definitely buy it. This kind of trend is a breakthrough that I am very good at, and I buy it by strong tracking. But there should be opportunities. As for where it will rise, who knows! If you make money, hold it, hold it.

I was squatting in the toilet this morning and saw He Yi's article. It has been a long time since I last updated it. I read it and found that her comments on the recent Binance community, including the selection of MEME coins and her interpretation of the market, are very good. As a professional trader and a deep blockchain enthusiast, I admire her very highly and have a macro perspective on the development of blockchain and the overall market demand. #澁漉侊çșżNEIRO #ETHBTC汇率新䜎

The link is as follows: He Yi's article@Binance News @Binance Burmese @ćžćź‰äž­æ–‡ç€ŸćŒș @澁漉ćčżćœș

As small investors, we cannot control the perspectives of others. I only need to know one thing: the coins that He Yi even talked about are definitely not simple. She also mentioned People Pepe, etc., which were all very powerful coins before. Of course, the core point she made is that the community now has stricter control over the coins on Binance, and the compliance review system is more complete.

Of course, from a management perspective, if a company wants to develop better, it must meet market demand, not a mob, but a regular army. Blockchain should be the last expectation of all of us blockchain practitioners for society!

[The Count of Monte Cristo] There is a saying: A person's life can be described in five words: 'hope and waiting' @Yi He

I also hope that Binance will become better and better, providing a safe, compliant, and fair market for the majority of users, and attracting more professional players like me.