Strong banker coins have three advantages:

Long wash time, long start time, and long pull time

First of all, the wash takes at least 2 months to start, so if you find it too early, you may not be able to hold it, because it has been washed for too long, either sideways or slowly falling, which is very frustrating

The start time takes at least one month, and the banker will suddenly buy a lot of test stocks and then smash the market, so there will be many Teletubbies (hanging lines) in the early start stage, and then slowly smash for four or five days and suddenly pull

This will repeat Four or five times, raising the bottom also wears people's mentality, washing away some long-term holders, and before the final start-up stage, it will continue to fall slowly, falling to about twice the bottom of the initial pull-up, washing away the last, and then starting the formal pull-up stage

The longest pull-up time starts at least 2 and a half months, because there will be a retracement and wash-out time during the pull-up period. The first is the last slow drop stage of the start-up stage. After washing away the last holders, there are basically no retail investors. It will explode within one day, usually with a 300% increase. This kind of rapid pull is to quickly raise the bottom and prevent retail investors from getting the bottom chips. If too many retail investors know it on the first day, the dealer will pull and wash at the same time, subdue the retail investors and let them chase high and then smash the market.