Trading Summary and Market Outlook

Yesterday, the market saw a big positive line, successfully breaking through the 61,000 mark.

After we openly shorted at 58,500 and stopped loss, we went long at 59,000 in the evening, and smoothly rose to 60,500, making a profit of 1,500 points!

Today, the market's focus is on the minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting at 2 a.m. on Thursday.

Before the minutes are released, it is not expected to see large fluctuations like yesterday.

However, judging from the trend, the price has stabilized near 60,000, and the trend of continuing to test upward is obvious. 📈 Want to learn more about the logic of cryptocurrency investment? Please visit my main Ye Jianjie.

Therefore, the short-term strategy is: choose to go long when it falls back to around 60,000, and the target is 61,000-61,500. The trend of Ethereum can be followed simultaneously.

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