Don't do too much at the moment, after all, the sword hanging over your head will scare you from time to time, but in recent times, I have been leading everyone to do the band, so that everyone has also eaten a lot, and every day I tell everyone about the market, analyze this big cake, Ethereum!

At present, the big cake is at 60203. Yesterday's pull was not a reversal, but a strong rebound. Don't always go back and forth, but the strong rebound of BTC did not pull the overall market sentiment, but its own rebound strength is a little stronger

At the hourly level of BTC, pay a little attention to the resistance position near 60500. During the day, the first line of support will be around 59200. The focus of the second line of support is the low point of the day before yesterday, 57600-58000.

At present, you can short lightly. Brother Jiu went in at a price of 60124. You can go in later. You can go short at the current price and make up for the position at 60500! $BTC $ETH $BNB #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期