How long will it take for the interest rate to return to the bull market process after the interest rate cut?

Regarding the interest rate cut, there are several main views in the market at present:

1. Interest rate cuts are all good news, and the interest rate cut in September will be the starting point of a new trend;

2. Interest rate cuts are bearish in the early stage, and the bull market will only come after the appearance of a black swan;

3. The bull market went in the second half of the previous interest rate hike, so the bear market will go in the first half of the interest rate cut;

The following is a systematic analysis of the impact of interest rate cuts on BTC

First of all, BTC has experienced a loose monetary policy shift in history. Strictly speaking, it has only been once, that is, around 2019;

This is also a major reason why the current market trend is highly similar to that in 2019. Both of them went through a round of bulls at the end of the previous round of interest rate hikes (maintaining high interest rates) and have been fluctuating at a relatively high level for a long time.