Announcement! Announcement! Announcement!

@Firo $FIRO Mandatory Update: Firo has released a new version of their software, v0.14.14.0.

Passing this information to all $FIRO users and enthusiasts about the latest upgrade.

This is not an optional update. All users and nodes on the Firo network must update to this new version.

This update, version, is not just another routine software patch; it represents a pivotal moment in Firo's evolution, implementing crucial changes to its economic model and network infrastructure.

At the heart of this update lies a series of changes to Firo's tokenomics—the economic model that governs the cryptocurrency. It's a collective step forward, ensuring that the entire ecosystem moves in unison towards its new economic model and enhanced features.

Note: These changes were chosen by Firo users through voting. Also, if you are using Campfire or Stack wallets, no updates are required, as the changes have been made in the backend.

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