#降息期待 The interest rate is about to be cut. Although I know that in the short term, the 25 basis point interest rate cut is unlikely to have a significant extension. But entering the interest rate cut cycle is undoubtedly a positive. I always think that this round of real bull market has not yet arrived. Perhaps entering the interest rate cut cycle will bring a real bull market.

I entered the market at the end of the last round of bull market. I don’t know if I am an old leek or a new leek. Anyway, I didn’t make much money, nor did I lose much money. The current largest position is $PEPE and #kas , the PEPE cost is about 83, and the kas cost is 0.03. These two are selected by myself after comparison. I don’t hold some common ones in the square. I think most of them are rotten fish and shrimp. I have never left the currency circle, from the high spirits of entering the currency circle to the fall to the bottom of the valley after mining $ETH transferred POS to our retail miners. More than three years have passed, and I always believe that the currency circle can realize my dream. I recently looked through my account and was quite moved!