Let me come to the conclusion directly; first rise and then waterfall or directly waterfall, I put the harsh words here, do you have the guts to hit me in the face? 😂. The reason is very simple. BTC has been fluctuating at a high level for more than a few months, and the last time BTC dropped to 52,000, the volume was weak, which was not enough to start a big bull market, and the K-line rebounded very weakly every time, and the rate of decline was much greater than the rate of increase. Simply put, it keeps falling. If the main force does not take action, something big will happen. In addition, the moving average macd. kdj, Bollinger bands, and all other important indicators are in the air force market. If you are the main force, you will definitely use this wave of major fundamentals to end the wide fluctuations in the past few months. Taking a step back, from a historical point of view, every time the interest rate is cut, the US stock market will first plummet, then consolidate at the bottom, and then start the US stock market with great fanfare. Take the recent one, in 2019, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, and both the big cake and the US stock market plummeted at the same time, almost halved. After that, within a few months, the bottom continued to absorb funds, opening the vigorous bull market in 2019. (Figure 2️⃣ below)

Operation: Change all bitcoins to u, all contract players take a break, and then short sell. Bottom-fishing suggestion.

BTC:   50000   48950     46 positions. 46000 loss   big account

sol: 115 100 95 432 positions 90 loss medium account

wif :     1.1.    0.9.           46 positions.     0.8 loss   retail investors

dogs    0.0007.   0.0006.  46 positions.   0.5 loss.   You can cooperate with us

Figure 3️⃣: Interest rate cut points