The Trump family's cryptocurrency project World Liberty Financial has just announced its token distribution. 63% of WLFI tokens will be sold to the public, 17% will be used for user rewards, and the remaining 20% ​​will be used for the team. This is a rare milestone or turning point for DeFi, which has been silent for many years. After all, it is the president himself.

World Liberty Financial plans to provide cryptocurrency lending services on the Ethereum blockchain network. It will be more "user-friendly" and accessible than existing solutions, and will be based on non-transferable WLFI governance tokens. And it will definitely be compliant.

Before announcing the token distribution, Trump talked about his understanding of Crypto on Twitter Space for 30 minutes. The 78-year-old veteran, who experienced two assassination attempts in less than two months, continued to express his love for Crypto and his criticism of Harris in the live broadcast. He praised his children's love for cryptocurrency, recognized the development of cryptocurrency, and was surprised by the success of NFT sales and the proportion of payments made through cryptocurrency. BlockBeats has sorted out and simplified his speech for readers' reference.


· As usual, thank the Secret Service for their second protection

· Views on the current political environment, including criticism of the Democratic Party

Support for cryptocurrency, believing that the United States should become the global center for cryptocurrency, and mentioning the involvement and influence of his family members in the cryptocurrency field

The success of the launched NFT project, and the awareness of cryptocurrency payment methods raised through this project, highlights the potential of cryptocurrency in the art and collectibles market

Emphasize the importance of maintaining U.S. leadership in technological innovation, including in artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, and other emerging technologies

Can you talk about the assassination attempt that just happened?

TRUMP: We heard gunshots in the air, probably four or five, and the Secret Service knew immediately that they were bullets, and I was with an agent, and there was no doubt that we were going to get off that field. I was actually hoping to get that last ball in. There were gunshots because the Secret Service agents saw an AK-47, a very powerful rifle, and began shooting at the location of the AK-47. The suspect jumped in the car, someone photographed the license plate, and then he was tracked down the highway in a fairly short period of time and was eventually caught, and the Secret Service did a great job.

This is the second time in less than two months that something like this has happened in your life. What do you think?

TRUMP: Well, there's a lot of talk now, it looks like both of these guys are radical leftists, the first guy they should know more about, there's behavior that hasn't been made public, it's very strange, the father of the shooter got the biggest lawyer in Pennsylvania, it's very strange, I was down, the Secret Service was there, the bullets were flying right over their heads, they weren't hit, but three other guys were hit, they were thought to be dead, but actually the other two guys survived. Normally when you hear bullets, we hear a lot of bullets, a large crowd always starts running, there's a stampede, and when they stampede, there's a lot of casualties, but no one ran, thousands of people, no one ran, in fact, some of them stood up and looked for the shooter and saw the man with the gun.

I mean maybe this is what God wants me as president to save the country, nobody knows, but when I turned to the right, which was very unusual because people were not on the right, people were standing in front of me, as my head turned at an exact 90 degree angle, the bullet whizzed by and grazed my ear.

You have it all, and yet you are still here after your life has been threatened so many times, you have been the President of the United States of America, and you may be the President of the United States of America again, why are you doing this? What motivates you?

TRUMP: We have a troubled country, a country that I love, the people of this country, my supporters love this country, they hate to see what's happening to this country, when you have 21 million people pouring in from all over the world, from prisons, from mental hospitals and insane asylums, you know they're different, they're coming in as terrorists, they're coming into our country at unprecedented levels, they're taking over our towns, they're taking over small cities and big cities, look at New York, look at Chicago, look at Los Angeles, thousands and thousands of these people, many of them are violent people in many cases.

If you look at Colorado, there's a governor who doesn't know what he's doing, he's scared to be there, he doesn't know what to say, Venezuelan gang members are actually taking over real estate, they're real estate developers in a very different way, they take over buildings, everybody's afraid of them, they have AK-47s, they have MS-13, it's a bad gang, we're going to clean them up, we're going to get them out. I love this country, we're going to make America great again, we're going to be able to do it, we've done it before, we're going to do it again, it's going to be easier this time. The border is in worse shape than it's ever been, it's the worst border ever, they're not doing the job they have to do, and as for Kamala, she's the border czar, she's a Marxist, she wants to tax everybody so they can't operate, she wants to raise taxes to 70-80%, she wants an unrealized capital gains tax, which is the craziest thing I've ever heard of, if she gets into office we're going to end up in a depression.

Cryptocurrency is trying to change the financial system, but it always feels like there is some force against us. Do you have the same feeling that there is some force against you?

Trump: There are a lot of bad things in the world, I want to solve the Russia-Ukraine problem, the inflation problem, we are withdrawing from Afghanistan, but with dignity and strength, that was the most embarrassing moment in our country's history, and frankly, if it wasn't for that, Russia would never have entered Ukraine. If I don't win, it will only get worse, we will end up like Venezuela, we will go into a depression like 1929, we have to make sure this person doesn't come to power, we can't have a Marxist Communist President, we will make our country greater than ever before, you will be happy, you will like your cryptocurrency, as long as you have cryptocurrency, you are happy, so I want to make sure you are happy,

You mentioned that "the United States should be the world capital of cryptocurrency", why is it not now?

TRUMP: Well, now you have a very hostile SEC, government towards cryptocurrencies, and nobody understands why, I have a different attitude, if we don't do it, other countries will, we have to be the biggest and the best, and when you look at the value and when you add everything up, the value of this whole thing is bigger than the first 20 companies they showed me, the number is just huge. Cryptocurrency suffers from some credibility problems, but it's growing, and I really believe in it, and I know a lot of friends who are really into it, and my kids talk about wallets, he has like four wallets, and he knows a lot about it. It's a new and huge business, and it has a chance to really be something special.

Does learning about cryptocurrency from your kids affect you?

TRUMP: It makes it easier, it's a little bit like a language, like my granddaughter, she speaks fluent Chinese, she learned Chinese from a Chinese nanny since she was two or three years old, I think cryptocurrency is a little bit similar, there's a learning curve, my children really understood cryptocurrency in the beginning.

Why is it so important for the U.S. to lead in cryptocurrency adoption and innovation?

TRUMP: It's cryptocurrency, it's artificial intelligence, it's a lot of things, and when it comes to the future of artificial intelligence, it requires tremendous power capacity, if you take all the electricity in the United States, in order to dominate in the field of artificial intelligence, you need twice that amount of power, who would think that? You need twice the power that we already have. There are countries that are already building power plants, they want to build them for artificial intelligence, which is very important, but we have environmental impact issues. Whether it's cryptocurrency or artificial intelligence or other things that are coming, we want to have a great country, we want to stay on top, we are building things now, we are leading in many aspects, one thing I am very proud of is the Space Force, now we are the leader in space, I must say, Musk has done a great job, he is my friend, he supported me very strongly to be president, which is incredible, but he has done a great job in space, he launches 90% of the rockets launched in the world.

Does the United States need a legal framework for cryptocurrency so that businesses can thrive and survive here?

TRUMP: I think they should have, they should have some safeguards, and maybe some people would say that's a bad thing, but it's not, it can't be completely free-for-all, I've talked to some of the big cryptocurrency people and they want safeguards, but the environment right now is very hostile, the SEC has been very hostile, really arresting people, and I think, frankly, they've been much nicer to people since they heard that I was involved, and cryptocurrency is something we have to do, whether we like it or not, we have to do it.

Are you surprised that your NFT sales were successful?

Trump: I got into it very late, and NFTs were considered unpopular, and I thought it might take six months, maybe a year, for my NFTs to sell, but it sold out very quickly. Then we did a second batch, and the same thing happened, and then we did a third batch, and people really wanted a fourth batch.

Are NFTs an important part of the digital asset value story?

TRUMP: A little bit, because so many people were paying in cryptocurrency that way, I did ask, and the vast majority of people were paying in cryptocurrency, and I was a little surprised, and that was a while ago, and it broadened my horizons, and I think my children broadened my horizons more than anything else.

If there is one thing that makes you look at cryptocurrency differently, what is it?

Trump: Maybe NFTs. Again, I'm amazed at the percentage of NFTs that are traded in cryptocurrencies and the enthusiasm of my young sons for this, and I have a lot of smart friends who also believe in cryptocurrencies.