$BTC "Cryptocurrency speculation" sometimes looks like a simple and quick way to make money, especially in a bull market. However, it is worth noting that while you may encounter some basic strategies or so-called "epiphanies", the fact is that the market is extremely volatile and unpredictable. Here are some strategies that are useful in a bull market:

1. When the market starts to rise, this trend cannot end easily. Early sharp pullbacks should not panic investors. This is a good opportunity to enter the market, and never wait for lower prices, because that may cause you to miss the upward trend.

2. Bull markets often have sharp price fluctuations, commonly known as "pins". If investors' positions are not yet met, they can consider further investment during these pullbacks.

3. It is very important to do a good job of position management. It is best to invest in several major sectors to avoid investing all your funds in one sector and then find that the prices of other sectors have risen, while the sector you invested in has consolidated or even fallen.

4. The market always rises in disagreement. When most people question an investment opportunity, it often represents an opportunity to enter the market. Conversely, when the market is generally optimistic about a certain direction, more caution is often needed.

5. Holding coins for a long time rather than frequently engaging in short-term trading may bring better returns. Many people find that in their attempt to realize profits by selling high and buying low, they often miss the period of greatest value growth.

6. Every time the market pulls back, it usually causes widespread panic. People usually think that the bull market is over, but history shows that a complete bull market cycle usually experiences multiple sharp pullbacks.

Before implementing any investment strategy in the market, it is crucial to conduct in-depth research and rational thinking, preferably consulting a teacher.

屗 btc3435 In addition, never invest more than you are willing to lose.