Revealing the scam in the cryptocurrency circle: Chongtugou

Today, I will share the seventh common scam in the cryptocurrency circle. Last year's animal coin also brought decentralized coin issuance to the forefront.

Since issuing coins is very simple, many people take advantage of the hot spots to issue coins, and then go to the group to promote and deceive people to take over.

Then they say it is beyond Bitcoin, beyond Ethereum, the next shit coin, dogecoin, 100x coin, 1,000x coin, etc.

Well, you may also see that there are a lot of people in the group posting some advertisements and other promotions, including using some hot spots to issue coins, or words mentioned by celebrities such as Musk, such as Erjiu coin, squid coin, Wukong coin, Trump coin, fight coin, etc.

Generally, this kind of project will directly clear the capital pool and run away when the entry funds are almost enough. Some scammers have a very small pattern, and they even only cheat 0.5 Ethereum, or run away directly after going online for five or ten minutes.

So don’t blindly chase hot spots, don’t rush into conflicts for no reason, and imagine that the exit is the next 100x or 1,000x coin.

Okay, that’s all for this issue.

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