🚨$DOGS/USDT Alert🚨

For information and signal +923403341969

The current price of DOGS/USDT is $0.0009470, showing a sharp drop of -12.82% in the last 24 hours. The coin reached a 24h high of $0.0011220 and a low of $0.0009331, indicating a bearish trend. The chart shows significant volatility as price plummeted after a failed upward movement.

The green arrow indicates a brief rise, but the red arrow marks a steep decline, showing a potential bearish signal. With moving averages MA(5) and MA(10) converging, we may see more downward movement.

Trade signals:

Long Trade: Enter above $0.0009992, target $0.0010347, stop loss $0.0009331.

Short Trade: Enter below $0.0009331, target $0.0009282, stop loss $0.0009992.


