In my opinion, the richest always have entertainment and it is the same for the crypto sector; I don't know if you have asked yourself why the most important events in your countries or changes in laws, captures, etc.; occur while your soccer team is playing.

Well, in all sectors, entertainment is used to distract and in the case of cryptocurrencies it is used to distribute at maximums and so that millions of users buy so that the price does not collapse with the sales of the institutional ones; here in the graph that I show you we can see the English-speaking crypto youtubers, and it is very possible that as we begin to rise, those few views and distribution will be generated, because people begin to talk about all the millionaires that were created and people put their money in.

And we are currently in the same low zone as in September of last year, before the rumors of the ETFs or the lows of this cycle at 15k, because people are already bored of their money not going up. So, in general, as creators of crypto content in video or writing, we are not in a good stage of views, but it is time to start learning for next year.