Good morning, a new week. After two days of sideways trading, the market has also come out in the morning. The bulls launched a strong attack and directly broke through the 27200 pressure line, opening the upward channel, allowing the bulls to continue.

From the technical structure of 4 hours, the Bollinger Bands are in an open state, the currency price has broken through the upper track after three consecutive positive states, the KDJ three lines are about to stick together and rise, and the MACD bullish energy continues to increase. The current upward trend is very good. The idea of ​​low and long is still maintained during the day.

Monday morning operation suggestions

BTC: 27100-27000 range long target 27600 defense 26800

ETH: 1550-1545 range long target 1590 defense 1530

If you are in a confused period and don’t know how to operate, you might as well communicate with Yiwen. Perhaps a sudden look back can give you an epiphany and lead you out of trouble.