REEF has now yield a total of 311.74% after our market entry with a stop-loss risk percentage of only 3.76%. Considering how we've sniped this entry and calculated only a minimal loss. This surely is now considered to be a huge trade of ours.

Just a disclaimer. This post is not to overwhelm traders into taking more trades that are like this. We are here to inform on how it was made possible and how to prevent getting FOMO'd.

We will list all of the factors that we've considered before taking the REEF trade. These are the following factors:
- After reaching its depths at 0.001300-0.00204 last 2023. It has also reached another bottom at 0.000592-0.00151 which is already considered to be an oversold area.
- Using the Correction Territory indicator, we've also identified that it's already at 89% which was more than the 'healthy' correction that should be experienced. This was for the weekly and monthly measurements and as for the daily it's already closing at 40%-50% correction percentage which was also a decline. Thus, experiencing such a strong decline and as per our analysis every time the market moves at more than 50% decline. It's already considered to be an area where buyers would most likely devour sellers.
- Fear factor which already exceeds the normal fear levels. There were way too many rumors about REEF getting delisted but right now, it's still on the level where it's supposed to be, its very own accumulation phase.
- Posts regarding REEF before it surged were mostly 'negative' with comments indicating REEF is most likely never going to go back up again. Since we've taken these type of comments into account. We were able to identify that the fear, uncertainty and doubts enforced by these type of comments will have a totally different market scenario. Hence, we were confident with the use of our reverse psychology tactics.

  The strategies that we've used aren't only limited to technical and fundamental analysis. Instead, sentimental analysis were also part of the tactics we've used in order to take the optimal position for REEF.

Stay wise, trade cautiously.