September 16th ETH market analysis, advance layout, keep up with the total return for three consecutive days last week and make a lot of money, strongly bearish tonight!

Last week, the highest point for shorting was prompted for three consecutive days. It is no longer a textbook-level advance prediction. Ethereum almost predicted the highest positioning error within one point, so the positions that followed were doubled. As for how much you have earned, you can take the money and rest. Only this Friday did not post, because the trend line broke through and the market moved faster, and I have emphasized in the comment area or found me that you can seize a few opportunities to turn over the position, and it is just the same as the prediction.

The ETH trend chart is shown in Figure 1: It is currently in a triangle downward direction and bearish. Once the trend triangle is broken, a big crack will form, which is a waterfall. As for the lowest position, it depends on the situation around 2150, but this is a general direction. It may not be tonight, but this week. The top of the current trend chart is around 2300-2310, so this position is also the best position for shorting.

ETH 4-hour technical indicators are shown in Figure 2: MACD reverses downward, which is a strong bearish signal. KDJ 4 to 6 hours is also directly downward, indicating that the general direction is short. The upper pressure level is 2355, so you can short the stop loss when it is close to this position, and the lower support level is 2220, so the lowest level tonight is around this position.

ETH evening strategy: short around 2300-2310, target around 2240, and pin around 2220. Please follow us for detailed guidance