### Crypto industry in crisis? In-depth analysis by CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju

Hey, everyone! Today we are going to talk about the current situation of the crypto industry. Ki Young Ju, founder and CEO of CryptoQuant, recently posted on social media that the crypto industry is in an unprecedented crisis. 🤔

#### The "game" nature of the crypto industry

Ki Young Ju compares the crypto industry to a game that gives people a sense of happiness similar to real life by triggering dopamine release. Whether it is profiting from unpredictable gambling or creating new technologies in unknown areas, these have been dopamine triggers in the crypto industry.

#### The transformation of traders and builders

The early crypto industry attracted many philosophers and Bitcoin advocates, while six years ago, futures traders dominated the market. Today, more conservative investors are leading the industry. The role of builders has also changed, from early cypherpunks to current professionals in finance, games, and content.

#### The disappearance of synergy

The synergy between traders and builders was once the core of the crypto industry. The innovation of builders inspired the enthusiasm of traders. However, over time, many builders left the industry for various reasons. The remaining builders are either creating gambling products similar to meme coins or making boring products in traditional financial institutions, which can no longer provide fresh stimulation for traders.

#### The future of the crypto industry

Ki Young Ju believes that an industry that cannot promote dopamine is doomed to decline. The crypto industry cannot provide any dopamine for builders and traders now, which is why it is in crisis. He called for the emergence of new games to stimulate traders' dopamine, only in this way can funds flow into the market and the industry can grow.

#### Your opinion?

What do you think after listening to this? Do you think the crypto industry is really in crisis? Or do you think this is a new turning point and there will be more innovations in the future? Welcome to share your views and opinions in the comment area, let's discuss together!


I hope this light-hearted and lively news flash can help you better understand the current situation and future of the crypto industry.Looking forward to your interaction!