When you enter the world of trading, it may initially seem like a simple process of buying and selling stocks or currencies to make a profit. But the reality is much more complex. In every trade you make, there is another party – often a group of professional traders, large investment firms, or even sophisticated artificial intelligence, who are waiting impatiently for you to make a mistake. These professionals have the tools and experience that make them familiar with the intricacies of the market, and know when and where to strike.

The market is not an easy place.

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When you start trading, you may rely on simple analysis or future forecasts, but the professionals who share the same market with you have more sophisticated tools. They have entire teams of analysts, access to real-time information and data, and sophisticated analysis programs based on artificial intelligence. These tools enable them to monitor your every move and anticipate any mistakes you might make.

Every move counts

Whether you’re buying a stock or a currency, remember that there’s someone on the other side of that trade who may be more experienced. These professionals are waiting for moments of weakness: when you don’t stick to your plan, when you let emotions control your decisions, or simply when you’re looking to make up for past losses. The market is cruel, and it rewards precision and discipline, while punishing randomness and haste.

How to protect yourself?

The best thing you can do is to learn the market thoroughly, constantly improve your skills, and not rush into making decisions. Be aware that trading is not just a game of chance; it is a challenge against professionals who are waiting for any opportunity to profit from your mistakes. Sticking to a solid plan, carefully managing your risks, and controlling your emotions are the weapons you need to survive in the market.

Ultimately, trading is not just buying and selling, it is a mental battle against opponents who have all the tools to win. If you are prepared, you will be able to succeed, but if you do not take this challenge seriously, they will take advantage of you.