1. Background

As the number of pump platforms grows, Sunpump is determined to become an industry leader and has taken a number of steps to achieve this goal:

1. The website is now running stably, although there are still some problems with MEV-bot that need to be resolved; overall, the user experience has been significantly improved.

2. Vigorously support high-quality projects. Top memes can be listed directly, which paves the way for memes to reach their ultimate goal.

3. Actively carry out cooperation and have achieved Tron chain integration with major meme trading platforms.

4. Expand energy supply and reduce transaction costs.

5. Sunpump’s revenue is used to directly repurchase Sun, allowing the TRON ecosystem to form a closed loop and mutually motivate each other.

6. Justin personally entered the market to call orders, and the team actively interacted online and offline to attract traffic and funds.

The above is a testament to Sunpump’s determination and ability, which is enough for the platform to survive, but there is still one key factor missing to maintain its leading position.

There needs to be sustainable, high-quality memecoin.

Memecoin is the core of the Pump platform!


Meme is the core, everything else is secondary.

Sunpump’s success is not only due to the 6 points listed above, but also thanks to the violent pull-up of#Sundogand the globally popular #Sunwukong.

This pair of memes made Sunpump famous in two battles.

When it was first launched, the Sunpump website was unstable and the user experience was poor, but this did not affect the influx of large amounts of capital.

Because high-quality memes have a money-making effect. As long as there is a profit opportunity, users can ignore other defects.

Now that supporting facilities have improved significantly, Justin is still there to cheer for the cause, but the results are no longer as satisfactory as expected.

This is because the platform only supports the top few memes with high market capitalization, and there is a lack of follow-up.

Justin’s orders are all random online hot spots. Just go with the flow, no different from other platforms, and the result will be the same as other platforms: tragic PVP!

3. Strategy

Without high-quality memes, it will be difficult to attract external funds.

Therefore, it is crucial to build your own moat. Simply put, it is a label. Whenever it is mentioned in the circle, the first thing that comes to mind is Sunpump. It is an intangible resource and power, and there is no subsequent cost, so you can make money without doing anything.

How to create distinctive labels for Sunpump?

It is not only necessary to stabilize and support those memes with the highest market value, but also to precisely support those up-and-coming companies with potential that are still in the early and middle stages of development. Without a steady stream of new stars, there will be no talk of sustainable development of the platform.

At the same time, they must have distinct characteristics. Let a hundred flowers bloom, and each flower must have its own fragrance and characteristics.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sunpump’s biggest and most successful feature is its cultural IP, and mythological characters are a perfect entry point. The success of Sun Wukong has already proven this point.

Some people may ask, does Chinese mythology pose a cultural barrier to foreigners?

The answer is no.

As long as there is a money-making effect, they will take the initiative to look up information and learn about it. There is no insurmountable cultural barrier at all. When playing Western cultural memes, Chinese people buy in even more strongly than Westerners!

The movie "Investiture of the Gods" has been widely acclaimed overseas, and#Sunwukonghas successfully fired the first shot. Next, various mythological heroes will appear on the scene to respond.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner, and the moon goddess Chang'e#CHANGEhas already sounded the drums of war and is about to start a stunning performance by flying to the moon.

In addition to mythological characters, superheroes from movies, TV series, games and comics will all take the stage to form a powerful League of Legends lineup.

In addition, world famous people, famous books, famous mountains and rivers... cultural IP, everything can become a meme.

From points to lines to surfaces, and then expanding to a chessboard-like layout in multiple fields, it goes deeper and deeper, and the prospects are very promising.

Once enough funds are attracted to the market, the next step is to find a way to retain the funds in the market. By then, it will be a great time to launch NFT.

Serious reminder: The above content only represents personal opinions and is for learning reference only. It does not constitute any investment advice. If you invest based on this, all risks are at your own risk! Investment is risky, so be cautious when investing!